Saturday, October 24, 2020 - 10.30am Alliance Française de Vancouver Auditorium $4 for non-members / Free for AF members | $4 pour les non-membres / Gratuit pour les membres Booking is mandatory. There will be no tickets sold at the door. AFV launches Ciné Kids... with social distancing measures!
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A Feature film by Éric Tosti, 2019 in French with English subtitles
à partir de 8 ans | from 8 years old
Willy is a 10-year-old boy. Naturally joyful and optimistic, he is very curious and interested in the world around him, even if, like most
children his age, he’d rather play than do his homework. He is at the pivotal age just between childhood and adolescence: an age when,
although he denies it, he is still highly dependent on adults. When he finds himself alone in the middle of a stone desert on an unknown
planet, without admitting it, he appreciates being taken care of by Buck, the robot who escorts him in the escape pod. But when this
paternal figure is gone, he is forced to draw on his resources and take things in his own hands, with the unfailing support of his friend
Flash, whom he met on this planet.
Après la destruction de leur vaisseau, le jeune Willy est séparé de ses parents avec lesquels il voyageait dans l’espace. Sa capsule de secours atterrit sur une planète sauvage et inexplorée. Avec l’aide de Buck, un robot de survie, il va devoir tenir jusqu’à l’arrivée d’une mission de sauvetage. En attendant, Willy, Buck et Flash, une créature extra-terrestre avec laquelle ils se sont liés d’amitié, partent à la découverte de la planète, de sa faune, sa flore... mais aussi de ses dangers.