French Media Library


Browse through the largest collection of French language books and media in Vancouver and B.C.

Created in February 1998, the media library at Alliance Française Vancouver offers a space to gather, socialize, and access leisure activities. The library houses the largest collection of French language items in British Columbia, with over 11,000 items covering multiple disciplines of literature, appropriate for all levels and ages. It also serves as an important resource centre for students. 
While the media library is free to access, you must register as a member for borrowing privileges and to enjoy additional services.

Become a member Become a member

Book selection : Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Each year, September 30 marks the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
The day honours the children who never returned home and Survivors of residential schools, as well as their families and communities. Public commemoration of the tragic and painful history and ongoing impacts of residential schools is a vital component of the reconciliation process.

Kuei, Je te salue
conversation sur le racisme

Deni Ellis Béchard 
Natasha Kanapé Fontaine

Je suis une maudite sauvagesse

An Antane K

À la recherche des enfants disparus

Anne Panasuk

Soeurs Volées

Emmanuelle Walter

Quand j'avais huit ans

Christy Jordan-Fenton
Gabrielle Grimard Margaret Pokiak-Fenton

Je ne suis pas un numéro

Kathy Kacer,
Jenny Kay Dupuis,
Gillian Newland

Our catalogue

Browse through thousands of reference materials, check your current borrowed items, choose, reserve, and hold any item.

Browse our catalogue online Browse our catalogue online
  •  More than 7000 books for adults, from classics to contemporary literature
  • Over 850 comics for adults and kids
  • 2500 books for kids and teens
  • Around 1400 DVDs
  • 14 magazine and newspaper subscriptions

Library rules

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Online library: Culturethèque

This amazing online library offers over 220,000 items covering the daily press, magazines, novels, children’s books, comic books, and more.

More info on Culturethèque More info on Culturethèque