7 Fun Facts about Alliance Francaise Vancouver

Alliance Francaise Vancouver celebrates 120 years in 2024! Part of the local network since 1904, we've evolved over the years, responding to the needs of the growing community of Metro Vancouver residents, increasingly focused on discovering the French language and Francophone cultures. Do you think you know everything about AFV? Let us surprise you!
In the 1950s, AFV members met at President Bloch Bauer's home to discuss a variety of topics over coffee and croissants. And no talking about politics! Make history as well and participate to our current literary breakfasts.
You read it right, it's not affiliated to France or the French government! By virtue of their statutes, local law associations enjoy
genuine autonomy and are administered by leaders elected by the General Assembly. Alliances Françaises live in harmony with their
environment and local cultures.
As a long-time partner, Radio Canada was already present when the first building was inaugurated in 1968. To find out more about the
history of our building, visit our page dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Alliance
Francaise Vancouver!
For the City of Vancouver's 100th anniversary in 1986, Alliance Francaise Vancouver donated 100 rosebushes, installed in Stanley
Expo 86 was a World's Fair held in Vancouver, Canada, showcasing exhibits from over 50 countries and attracting millions of visitors,
symbolizing innovation and cultural exchange on a global scale during its six-month duration. And we were there! Just at the entrance
of the French pavilion.
The play was staged for the first time by Daniele Joannides, wife of the director at the time. When it started, the staging, acting, sets,
lighting and make-up were all done by volunteers. Today, we professionalized some aspects of the play, but the acting is still done by
volunteers! Learn more about Le Petit Theatre here.
To mark our 115th anniversary, we wanted to embrace the future and new technologies. Additionally, with the demolition & reconstruction
of our future building, we wanted to create a virtual space for our members: that's how Espace V was born, and the rest is
Visit our other pages to get to read more about our history, our future building and our 120th anniversary!