In the fourth episode of the virtual reality series Unframed, the puppets of Paul Klee are reproduced accurately and faithfully. In this short film the puppets themselves recount the most important events and aspects of their creator's life. On the borderline between comic fiction and documentary, the story focuses mainly on Paul Klee's family life, his teachings and his escape from the Nazi regime in Switzerland.
in English |
13 min |
All ages | |
Switzerland |
6DoF |
Martin Charrière
born in Switzerland, was the co-founder of DNA Studios, a company about games and animation.He created the series Unframed dedicated
to Swiss painters. Unframed - Hand puppets, Paul Klee is the fourth episode.
Image – Martin Charrière, Nathanaël Monney, David Hofer, Nicolas Gachoud, Antoine Débois, Eve Gremaud ■ Sound – Jérémy Conne, Pascal Bernheim ■ Production – Yves Demay, Gregory Catella ■ Expertise and thanks – Martine Beguin, Dr. Fabienne Eggelhöfer, Eva Wiederkehr Sladeczek, Myriam Weber ■ Translation – Sophie Müller ■ A movie by – DNA Studios ■ Co-production by – Pacte SRG-SSR With the participation of Cinéforom and the Loterie Romande With the support of RTS Culture and of Zentrum Paul Klee