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Eating our way into the future

A social science fiction comics that explores, in a sustainable way, how our diet and consumption might evolve.

How to feed 9 billion people in 2050? What will we be eating? This serial gathers four friends at their yearly meal together and retraces how their personal consumption changed over 32 years in 30 episodes, from today to 2050. Through their debates together, Ana, Raman, Edgar and Ines as well as the articles from the decoding section, the reader is informed of the major stakes of the nutrition transition. The episodes are made believable because they confront various viewpoints within a changing world and society in the background - such as climate change, major political decisions, new technologies and new consumption habits...

 Tablet / smartphone : Instagram


© Chaire ANCA ■ Authors: Benjamin HOGUET and Jean-Pierre FRANÇOIS ■ Drawings: MADD ■ Coordination: Manon DUGRÉ & Aurélie ZUNINO The ANCA Chair (Aliment Nutrition Comportement Alimentaire) is managed by the AgroParisTech Foundation, under the aegis of the ParisTech Foundation and is supported by Danone Nutricia Research and the Louis Bonduelle Foundation.


Benjamin HOGUET is an author and designer of stories for new media. He shares his active monitoring of new narrations via a newsletter and its website / Jean-Pierre FRANÇOIS is specialized in in audiovisual and multimedia production (documentary films, advertising, museography ...) / MADD is an illustrator and author of BD active in the Speedball and Nekomix collectives. He publishes in several collective books and he has published at Jungle Editions Why in comics with Philippe Vandel.


This project has been co-constructed with food experts: sociologists, economists, nutritionists to develop a reliable and scientifically credible comics. They have actively contributed to this project and shared their expertise by participating in a programming: Nicolas DARCEL, Senior Lecturer at AgroParisTech / Damien CONARÉ, Secretary General of the UNESCO Chair in Food and Nutrition du Monde / Olivier LEPILLER, Sociologist CIRAD in Montpellier / Daniel TOMÉ, Professor of nutrition at AgroParisTech.